Built-in Commands
qASIC comes with a lot of built in commands. These commands can be disabled through the configuration file.
Command | Aliases | Description |
clear | clr, cls | Clears the console. |
echo | Echos a message. | |
help | - | Displays a list of commands. Depending on your config you can display a detailed description of a command by running help <command name> |
version | info, about | Displays current game version. |
specification | hardware, specs, | Displays system specification. |
exit | quit | Closes the game. This command is disabled by default on webGL builds. |
scene | loadscene, level, loadlevel | Loads the specified scene or prints current scene's name. |
scenelist | - | Displays list of all available scenes. |
timescale | - | Changes the time scale |
fov | fieldofview | Changes camera field of view. |
changesetting | changesettings, settings, setting, option, options, changeoption | Changes the specified setting's value in the Options System. |
settinglist | settingslist, listsettings | Changes the specified setting's value in the Options System. |
audioparameter | changeparameter, changeaudioparameter | Changes the specified audio parameters value. If you add % at the end of the number, it will parse it as volume. |
debugdisplayer | - | Toggles the debug displayer. |
cleardebugdisplayer | cleardebug | Clears the debug displayer. |
inputlist | listinput | Displays a list of all actions and axes. |
changeinput | - | Changes user input preferences. |