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Game Console

namespace: qASIC.Console


The Game Console lets you view logs and run commands at runtime. It works in and outside of the editor no matter if it's a development build.

It comes with a few built in commands that allow for loading scenes, changing settings and more (they can be disabled in the config). If that isn't enough the console has a great support for custom commands.


To add the console to a scene, go to GameObject/qASIC/Game Console. Now it can be activated by pressing the back quote key (which can be changed).

Customizing the console

The console uses a Static Toggler by default that can be changed. The toggler handles console's toggle functionality.

All of the UI can be adjusted to your liking, but for more customization you will have to create a configuration file. It can be found by going to Create/qASIC/Console/Console Config. In order for it to work, go to Project Settings/qASIC/Console and assign it in the config field.

To change colors, create a Game Console Theme from Create/qASIC/Console/Console Theme and assign it to the config.